Property Management
LAM entered the real estate brokerage profession in 1993, influenced by the number of properties in Florida that were owned by entities located outside the State of Florida and outside the United States. Many strong and resilient relationships have been formed with clients residing all over the world since then. It has been an amazing journey, and the journey is just beginning.
According to Florida REALTORS, long term rental rates in Florida decreased by 9.21%, the largest negative price adjustment in the United States, when comparing 2024 rental rates to the rental rates posted in fiscal year 2023. Despite the significant drop in residential housing rental rates, Florida is still one of the highest residential rental rate states in the nation with the average rental rate at $2,000 monthly or above. Florida is a fantastic place to invest in residential real estate.
Residential property management has been the largest segment of LAM’s business over the last twenty years. If you want highly experienced property management services in Florida you must contact LAM. LAM is where the rubber hits the road when thinking of income property acquisitions, dispositions and property management services.